3 years ago on Valentine's day, Emme was just three weeks old, so Jason and I didn't make big plans for Vday. We heard an ad on the radio that White Castle was doing an "alternative" valentines day dinner. Since we didn't want to leave our newborn, we decided the whole family would go to White Castle that night. That year, Emme slept through the whole meal. This year, she ate her fair share of chicken rings and fries. Little did we know then that this would become a yearly tradition for our family. Saturday marked the 4th year in a row that the Oskays have had a fine dining experience at Casa Blanca. Where else can you get chicken in the shape of circles and dinner for 6 for $30? Good thing I had a 4 mi training run in the morning, so I could really enjoy my sliders with cheese.
*Last year we added Build-A-Bear to the evening, this year Emme made a Hello Kitty and Delanie made a grey cat.
Hope you all had a great day spent with those you love.