Sunday, July 19, 2009

Twin Talk

As stated in previous post(s), my girls are obsessed with the Cranley twins. There were some twins at another table in the restaurant where we ate lunch today and I didn't even mention them to the girls. As soon as we got in the car, Emme states, "Mom, I saw some twins at lunch today".

At least 5 times a day, the girls and I have a conversation like this:
"Mommy, do you have a baby in your belly?"
"No, Delanie/Emme, I don't"
"Auntie Sarah?"
"Yes, Delanie/Emme, Auntie Sarah has twins in her belly."
"Tessa, Max?"
"Yes, Delanie/Emme, their names are Tessa and Max."
"Uncle Duke?"
"No, Delanie/Emme, Uncle Duke doesn't have babies in his belly either."


Did I say mention how excited our family is for these babies to get here???

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1 comment:

Cranley Scholastics, Inc. said...

I love it! I can't wait for them to meet Tessa and Max. Hopefully it will be soon. Give the girls a BIG kiss from Auntie Sarah and the twins:)