Thursday, August 28, 2008

Our "Tiny Dancer"

Emme started dance class last night!! She is taking a "combo" class, 15 minutes of ballet and 15 minutes of tap. We used last night as a trial run, but I think she will really have fun. She also starts religious ed classes next Sunday, such a busy 2 y/o!

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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Day of School

The girls had their first day of preschool today. Emme has moved up to the "Bee" class and Delanie is in the "Lamb" class. Emme is so excited that Delanie is now at her school. I feel like I failed as a mom today. Today crept up on me and I didn't have their first day outfits quite right. Delanie got her first shirt dirty, so I had to find a back-up and Emme seems to have grown, I promise I didn't realize her dress was so short! I also wanted to get a picture of the two of them somewhere outside at home where we can take their picture on all the first days of school to come, but forgot, so the one in front of the school will have to do. Sorry Girls, mommy will be on her A game next year! We are very proud of our preschoolers...XOXO!

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Monday, August 25, 2008


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Friday Night Football

Friday night the girls, Jason and I went to my school's first football game. It was extra exciting because they played Roncalli H.S., Jason's alma mater. We had the girls in their school spirit, Emme for Southport, D for Roncalli.

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Aunt JuJu

We helped my sister Julie move this weekend from an apt in Greenwood to a cute house in Broad Ripple. Here are Delanie and Julie post move celebrating at Bazbeaux pizza (best pizza in Indy).

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The Oskay family members are all avid Colts Fans...we are excited for the first season in the new stadium. I think our first game will be the Colts/Bears game next weekend. Go BLUE!

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Our Nephew

Elijah was born 36 hours before Delanie, although he has always been more like Emme's size. Here he is on the ground at a festival this weekend, he is really coming into is own as a little boy.

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Thursday, August 21, 2008

My Future Is So Bright...

I think the picture says the rest!

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Future Stylists?

The girls are really starting to play well together. Last night they made me laugh when they played "hair dresser". They are really starting to bond over the commonality of their crazy hair. Maybe they realize they better start practicing on styling it now! At one point, Emme asked me to put on her kitchen apron so she could cut hair, I guess she remembers that from her visit to our hairdresser!

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Delinquent Blogger

I know, I know, I have been so bad about posting and I thought for sure this new blog would give me the motivation to spend more time on journaling about our family.
I promise to get better or you can ban us from you blogging world forever.

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Up and Running

I just sent out a mass email to those of you that I thought might wonder what happened to the Oskay Girls' babysite. We have been blogless for a few months, but are now up and running on our new blog. Thanks to a wonderfully creative lady named Lisa, we even gave our blog a facial for its grand opening. We will try to be better about updating on current happenings than we were this summer. We are all getting settled into a new routine because in the last week, Jason has started a new job, I have gone back to work after the summer off and so the girls have had to adjust to a new daycare situation.........more postings on all of these new chapters in our lives to come!
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Monday, August 4, 2008

Our Blog Just Got a Facial!

Our Blog just got a facial and yours can too! Check out for more information!

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