Today was a special day for our family. Mommy, Delanie, Bella and I traveled to Phoenix and met our Great Uncle and two cousins at our Gigi Rose's house.
My Gigi Rose and I have the same birthday, I turned 4 today and she turned 85. My mom thought it would be fun for us to celebrate together.
My mommy told me the story today about being pregnant with me and finding out her due date was on Gigi Rose's birthday. She decided then that if I was a girl and actually born on Gigi's birthday, I would be named after her. My mommy and daddy decided on the names Andrew James and Emmerson Louise before going into the hospital, but it turned out I was a girl and I was born on Gigi Rose's birthday....so I became: Emmerson Rose Louise Oskay.
My mom also told me the story about how my Gigi's actual given name is Rebecca, but everyone knows her as Rose. When Gigi started school, her older sister had to translate for Gigi's parents because they only spoke Spanish and Gigi's name became Rose because the nun's didn't understand the Spanish pronunciation of Rebecca and interpreted it as Rose.
So, I started the fourth year of my life with presents at home before we left for the airport and then we were off to Phoenix. I had fun on the flight...I mostly sat with Bella and stayed busy coloring, reading, asking questions, etc. Delanie was pretty antsy and Mommy seemed to be pretty busy keeping her occupied. We got to Gigi Rose's around lunch time and played at her house for several hours before going for our Birthday dinner at Gigi's favorite Mexican restaurant. We opened presents and had cake....it was the perfect 4th birthday. My mommy is so excited we will have these memories forever.
Thanks for all of my birthday wishes and treasures!