Since Mommy started back to work this week, we have spent the last few days with some of our favorite people. Yesterday, on Mommy's first day back we spent the day with Bella and Auntie Jess. They let us watch movies, took us swimming and let us play with Hunter and Shadow. Today, we spent the day with Auntie Erin, her mommy-Miss MaryBeth and our friend, Miss Monica. They took us to visit Mommy at her school and then took us to the zoo for the afternoon. Miss MaryBeth had never been before, because she lives in Ohio, so we showed her all our favorite spots....well, actually we showed her the entire zoo! Here are some pictures of our fun:

Since we don't start school until August 16th, next week we will spend our days with Gammy and Uncle Jeff....stay tuned for all of our adventures with them.