Today started my official training for my first (running) mini-marathon. My mom and I walked the mini last year in honor of her 55th birthday. I started getting the running bug last spring and decided this year I would run the 13.1 miles. I have been doing 5 ks and even a 10k through the last few months, but the farthest I have ever run in my entire 30 years of existence is 6 miles. So, needless to say, I am a little intimidated to run 13.1 miles. I am following Hal Higdon's 12 week mini marathon training for
novices. Luckily, I will have some moral support out there with me on May 2nd....my sister-in-law Erin has decided to run with me and Alison Hunt and I agreed to run together a few months ago. So, this morning at 4:45 I woke up and went to Wellness Wakeup at St. Barnabas to fulfill Day 1: Strength and Stretching. I will keep you posted on the whole experience....stay tuned.
Awesome Jorie...You Go Girl :)
Most excellent, have a post about the mini on my list of to-do's today! So excited that we are going to do this together...went for my run last night and it wasn't too bad...granted it was only 3 miles, but still! Can't wait!
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