Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day Traditions

3 years ago on Valentine's day, Emme was just three weeks old, so Jason and I didn't make big plans for Vday. We heard an ad on the radio that White Castle was doing an "alternative" valentines day dinner. Since we didn't want to leave our newborn, we decided the whole family would go to White Castle that night. That year, Emme slept through the whole meal. This year, she ate her fair share of chicken rings and fries. Little did we know then that this would become a yearly tradition for our family. Saturday marked the 4th year in a row that the Oskays have had a fine dining experience at Casa Blanca. Where else can you get chicken in the shape of circles and dinner for 6 for $30? Good thing I had a 4 mi training run in the morning, so I could really enjoy my sliders with cheese.
*Last year we added Build-A-Bear to the evening, this year Emme made a Hello Kitty and Delanie made a grey cat.
Hope you all had a great day spent with those you love.

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MUST Accessorize...

Apparently, the girls share my love of winter accessories=boots and scarves..but I think the goggles may be taking it a little too far?!

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Monday, February 9, 2009


My sister-in-law Erin had a wedding in Nashville this weekend. Her friend from college, Lauren, got married on Saturday evening. She and I went down together and made it a girls weekend. We had a blast, ate well, caught a movie, shopped, got a run in, met up with my brother and Bonnie, and thoroughly enjoyed the 65-75 degree weather. Above are a few pictures from our trip. And yes, we did make a trip to the "Pfunky griddle", now a total must-do if we are in Nashville. It is the diy pancake place we found during our trip to Nashville in September.

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Let the Training Begin

Today started my official training for my first (running) mini-marathon. My mom and I walked the mini last year in honor of her 55th birthday. I started getting the running bug last spring and decided this year I would run the 13.1 miles. I have been doing 5 ks and even a 10k through the last few months, but the farthest I have ever run in my entire 30 years of existence is 6 miles. So, needless to say, I am a little intimidated to run 13.1 miles. I am following Hal Higdon's 12 week mini marathon training for novices. Luckily, I will have some moral support out there with me on May sister-in-law Erin has decided to run with me and Alison Hunt and I agreed to run together a few months ago. So, this morning at 4:45 I woke up and went to Wellness Wakeup at St. Barnabas to fulfill Day 1: Strength and Stretching. I will keep you posted on the whole experience....stay tuned.

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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Kate @ the Indianapolis Home Show

Wednesday night Jason and I and our friends Brian and Ashlee ventured to the Indianapolis Home Show. We bought tickets over the weekend at a fundraiser so thought we would check it out. We picked Wed night because we knew Kate Gosselin was making an appearance to talk about her book "MULTIPLE BLES8INGS". Ashlee and I sat from 5:15 until her appearance at 7pm just to have a seat. There were hundreds of people that stood and waited in line for over an hour to have their book autographed. We opted out of the book signing line at first, but checked again before we left and found the line to be shorter and moving very fast. So, we got our 5 second face-to-face with Kate.

Here are my observations from the experience: She is way thinner than she looks on TV, she is tiny, probably a size 2-4. She very obviously feels these appearances are just a means to an end, she didn't look like she was having a great time, nor was she overly we know how John feels!

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Superbowl XLIII: Food and Family

We celebrated Superbowl XLIII by watching the game with family and eating lots of yummy food. We were all cheering for the Cardinals (sorry Mowreys!) and were dissapointed with the outcome, but it was a game until the end. We are looking forward to having the superbowl here in 2011.

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These boots are made for Walking/Singing...

Two pair of boots.

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